Aarhus Universitets segl

Mary Hilson



Primær tilknytning

Mary Hilson


  • Norden/Skandinavien
  • Den nordiske model
  • Andelsbevægelsen
  • Brugsbevægelsen
  • dyrehistorie




I am professor at the Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University. Before moving to Aarhus in 2015 I was employed at the Department of Scandinavian Studies, UCL. 


My research interests include modern social, political and cultural history, with a particular focus on the Nordic countries and the Nordic region. Currently I am in the early stages of developing a new project on the history of food and farming in the period c.1860-1930 from an animal history perspective. 

In my  previous (and ongoing) research I have studied the Nordic model and how images of the Nordic countries are constructed and circulated transnationally; and the history of the consumer co-operative movement in the Nordic countries and beyond. 


Current teaching:

Spring semester 2024: Introduction to the History of Denmark from the Middle Ages to the present (for exchange students at the Faculty of Arts)

Autumn semester 2024: Mad og forbrug, ca. 1850-1950 (KA Historie, 1. semester)


I collaborate with scholars across the Nordic region as part of the Nordic research hub ReNEW (Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World), funded by NordForsk 2018-2024. 

Udvalgte publikationer

Brug piltasterne på tastaturet for at scrolle
Brug piltasterne på tastaturet for at scrolle
Brug piltasterne på tastaturet for at scrolle