Environmental Humanities in Scandinavia

Info about event
Aalborg University’s campus in Copenhagen
Time and date: Wednesday 13 October 2021, 14:00-17:00 CET
More details: contact Mikkel Fugl Eskjær Organised by Aalborg University, a partner in the DFF Global Justice and Environmental Humanities network, of which CEH is also a member
At a time when the environmental humanities are proliferating and establishing across Scandinavian universities, there is an important conversation to be had on the topic of what is the environmental humanities within a Scandinavian university context, and why it has popularized throughout the Nordic reigion. We hope to begin this conversation by convening a round-table discussion that addresses the following questions: How do we currently practice environmental humanities at different universities and research institutions? What are the transdisciplinary and institutional challenges facing the field? How is the environmental humanities being received by students and research communities?
In order to answer such questions, there may be other questions that demand exploration which situate—and gauge the importance of—a Scandinavian environmental humanities: Just as the environmental humanities in other academic settings across the globe are beginning to reveal certain motifs, topical framings, and conceptual insights, how might we distinguish a Scandinavian environmental humanities? What are the various modes for teaching and enacting environmental humanities in Scandinavia, and why might these various modes be pertinent for—and how might they fail when—addressing pressing topics such as civil environmentalism, environmental justice, or food sovereignty within institutional, classroom and public spaces?
In hopes of answering such questions, we are assembling speakers from four universities in Scandinavia who will offer their experiences and perspectives on practising the environmental humanities in a Scandinavian context. Confirmed speakers are:
- Cecilia Åsberg, The Posthumanities Hub, Linköping University & TKH (Stockholm)
- Frida Hastrup, Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Copenhagen
- Heather Swanson, Center for Environmental Humanities, Århus University
- Ursula Münster, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, University of Oslo
The event is co-organised by the Research Cluster on the Environmental Humanities at Aalborg University and The Network for Global Justice and the Environmental Humanities.
You are invited to participate in person (at Aalborg University’s campus in Copenhagen) or on Zoom. For further information, regarding room number at AAU CPH, please contact Mikkel Fugl Eskjær by email at eskjaer@hum.aau.dk.