Justice, imagination and urgent transformation
Enacting public environmental humanities in Northern Europe

Info about event
Copenhagen / Online
There is underexplored space between the humanities, environmental-societal transformation and civil society: Dialogue and exchange between global and local environmental and climate justice movements have created new concepts and practices which the environmental humanities can engage with and learn from. To address this opening, looking at Northern Europe through a global environmental justice lens may illustrate how materials and politics weave together localities and make them cross-global.
We are calling for a manifold of experts and artists (e.g. academics in the humanities and sciences, activists, community leaders, performers, etc.) who engage with environmental and climate justice, socio-ecological transformation and global connections to consider new perspectives across differing knowledge practices and interfaces, temporal and political boundaries, and socialities. Topics may include and go beyond: environmental struggle; supply chains and local effects; scientific models, reports and communities and local action; technologies and knowledge practices; alternative environmental living and imagining; cross-global conversation, commonality and/or collaboration; past & present environmental justice movements; Indigenous and alternative expertise; interdisciplinary collaboration.
Contributions: We solicit traditional and alternative contributions that address the conference’s themes and topics in order to promote cross boundary scholarly and societal engagement: Speaker & paper contributions may be proposed by submitting a maximum 300 word research abstract. Alternative contributions may be proposed by submitting a maximum 300 word description. Examples of alternative contributions may be—but are not limited to—performance, exhibited presentation, dialogue provoking physical objects or artefacts, conversation of dilemmas, film viewing, etc.
Please send contribution proposals and any questions to: EHJustice@cas.au.dk
Confirmed keynote speakers:
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