Aarhus University Seal

Navigating Geopolitics and Deterrence

Interdisciplinary perspectives on Contemporary and Historical Contexts

Info about event


Tuesday 7 May 2024,  at 13:00 - 16:00




Center for Samtidshistorie

As geopolitical tensions escalate, states increasingly rely on deterrence strategies to safeguard their interests and maintain strategic stability. This return to traditional power dynamics underscores the enduring relevance of geopolitics in shaping international relations and highlights the intricate balance of power dynamics in an era marked by geopolitical competition and uncertainty.

  • Ian Klinke, University of Oxford
    UK After Ostpolitik? German guilt and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • Maria Mälksoo, University of Copenhagen
    The Ritual Logic of Deterrence: Tales from the Eastern Flank of NATO
  • Rosanna Farbøl, Aarhus University
    With the past as a guide? Uses of history in Danish foreign policy, 1989-2024


No prior registration needed; all are welcome.
