Aarhus University Seal

Reconstructing an Egyptian Monastery

Første foredrag i en række på tre: Reconstructing an Egyptian Monastery - The Material Remains of Wadi Sarga v. Dr. Jennifer Cromwell, postdoc ToRS, Københavns Universitet

Info about event


Thursday 3 September 2015,  at 17:30 - 19:00


Antikmuseet, Victor Albecks Vej 3, byg. 1414, 8000 Aarhus C


Antikmuseet og Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab

Reconstructing an Egyptian Monastery: The Material Remains of Wadi Sarga

v. Dr. Jennifer Cromwell, postdoc ToRS, Københavns Universitet

I samarbejde med Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab inviterer Antikmuseet til foredrag om udforskning af fundene fra klostret i Wadi Sarga

The monastic complex of Apa Thomas at Wadi Sarga, 25 km south of Asyut, was excavated during a single season in 1913–14. No further archaeological work has occurred at the site, which is now a military zone. Our knowledge of the history of the monastery and its daily affairs is therefore restricted to the material remains discovered during that single, pre-War, season. This paper will provide an overview of renewed work that is being undertaken on this evidence from the monastery, the majority of which is held by the British Museum, and the potential for further study.

Antikmuseet (www.antikmuseet.au.dk) og Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab(www.daes.dk).

NB: Mødetid er kl. 17.20! Vær venligst præcis, da døren låses! Foredraget

finder sted på Antikmuseet, der holder åbent fra kl. 16.30.