Aarhus University Seal

Helle Strandgaard Jensen


Associate Professor, Associate professor

Primary affiliation

Helle Strandgaard Jensen

Areas of expertise

  • Childhood history
  • Internet history
  • Digital history
  • Comparative history
  • Transnational history

Contact information

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Office hours: Thursdays 8:30-9:30 (1463-526)

Helle Strandgaard Jensen is an Associate Professor of contemporary cultural history at the Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark and holds a joint-directorship at Center for Digital History Aarhus (CEDHAR). She is the PI of the ERC Consolidator project WEB CHILD 'Changing Childhoods in the Early Era of the WWW.'

Jensen received her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, in 2013. She has since been a visiting fellow at several universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Norway, Canada and Sweden. 

Jensen is the author of Sesame Streeet. A Transnational History (Oxford University Press, 2023) and From Superman to Social Realism: Children’s Media and Scandinavian Childhood (John Benjamins Publishing Press, 2017), and her work has appeared in Media History; Journal of Children and Media; Media, Culture & Society; Journal for the History of Childhood and Youth; The Programming Historian; and elsewhere.


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