Aarhus University Seal

Advisory Board

From the left: Jon Turner, Robert van de Noort, Katrine Solvang, Frode Helland, Camilla Ellehave, Marie Vejrup Nielsen, Ulla Gjørling, Anne Marie Pahuus, Unni From, Niels Lehmann, Mette Refshauge, Christian Madsbjerg, Ann Berry, Johnny Laursen, Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Claus Holm.

Executive issues

The Advisory Board advises the Dean and the Faculty's Management Team on a number of issues such as:

  • Central mission, strategies and action plans regarding research, education, talent development and knowledge exchange
  • The portfolio of degree programmes and its further development
  • The internal distribution of funds
  • Organizational structure
  • Our global outlook and other strategic collaborations


External advisors

The Advisory Board consists of external members representing both central employers of the Faculty's graduates and academic institutions of research, education and knowledge exchange – primarily at an international but also at a national level.

The Advisory Board is scheduled to meet once a year.

Members of Advisory Board Arts

  • Ronald Barnett
    Emeritus Professor of Higher Education at Institute of Education, University of London, UK

  • Janis Jefferies
    Emeritus Professor of Visual Arts, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
  • Dorte Fristrup
    Rector, Aarhus Statsgymnasium, DK

  • Roger Säljö
    Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Andrew Thompson
    Professor and Co-Chair of Oxford Centre for Global History, University of Oxford, UK
  • Christoph Lindner
    President and Vice-Chancellor, Royal College of Art, UK

  • Jürgen Barkhoff
    Professor and Head of Discipline in Germanic Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Irland

  • Fred de Vries
    Head of Internationalisation Strategy, Strategy & Policy Department, University of Twente, NL 

  • Jon Turner
    Director at Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh
  • Ann Berry 
    Head of HR and Admin, Uniwise

  • Kirsten Shepherd-Barr
    Professor, Oxford University
  • Robert Van de Noort
    Professor and rector, University of Reading

  • Frode Helland
    Dean, Oslo University