Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Knudsen, Hanne Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup hakn@edu.au.dk +4593508940 +4593508940 B, 103e
Knudsen, Lars Emmerik Damgaard Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup lada@edu.au.dk +4530226763 +4530226763 B, 312
Knudsen, Lasse Bech PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology lbk@cas.au.dk
Knudsen, Lotte Jelsbech Administrator/Journalist School of Communication and Culture - Det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog Vest ljk@cc.au.dk
Knudsen, Nicolai Krejberg Assistant Professor School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject knudsen@cas.au.dk +4587159681
Kock, Jan Emeritus/Emerita VIP School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies jan.kock@au.dk +4587162072 +4520930468
Koefoed, Nina Javette Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject hisnk@cas.au.dk +4528932130
Kofoed, Jette Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup jeko@edu.au.dk +4540433801 +4540433801 B, 105a
Köhn, Steffen Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology steffenkoehn@cas.au.dk 4235, 138
Kolding, Sara PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Affective Disorders sarakolding@clin.au.dk
Kolding, Sofie Norup Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Course and Exam Administration, Aarhus sonk@au.dk +4587169051 +4587169051 1442, 239
Kolmos, Marie Postdoc Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup makol@edu.au.dk D, 216
Kolstad, Solveig Larsen PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric solk@cc.au.dk +4587169198 1586, 220
Kølvraa, Christoffer Leiding Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - European Studies eurock@cas.au.dk 1461, 622
Korsbæk, Mia Administrative Coordinator School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, Local secretariat Moesgaard korsbaek@cas.au.dk +4587162118 4235, 124
Korsbjerg, Rikke Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Course and Exam Administration, Aarhus rikke.korsbjerg@au.dk +4587152019 1442, 238
Korsgaard, Mathias Bonde Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies mbk@cc.au.dk +4522342549 5335, 264
Korsgaard, Ove Professor Emeritus Danish School of Education - General Education and Educational Philosophy, Emdrup ove@edu.au.dk D, 114
Kostkan, Jan PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Center for Humanities Computing jan.kostkan@cas.au.dk 1483, 414
Kousholt, Dorte Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup dkou@edu.au.dk +4561304990 +4561304990 D, 227
Kousholt, Kristine Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup krko@edu.au.dk +4587163795 D, 237
Kragh-Müller, Grethe Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup grkm@edu.au.dk +4593508210 +4593508210 D, 238
Kraglund, Rikke Andersen Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies norrak@cc.au.dk 1485, 319
Kramer, Cæcilie Kildahl PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology kramer@cas.au.dk
Kratschmer, Alexandra Regina Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Linguistics romak@cc.au.dk +4587162604 1485, 525
Krause-Jensen, Jakob Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Aarhus jakj@edu.au.dk +4541599415 +4541599415 1483, 522
Krawatzek, Felix Part-time Lecturer School of Culture and Society - Russian and Balkan Studies, subject au717402@cas.au.dk
Kreis, Guido Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject guido.kreis@cas.au.dk +4587162136 1467, 624
Krejsler, John Benedicto Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup jok@edu.au.dk +4593508190 +4593508190 B, 218
Kristensen, Catrine Sundorf PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology csun@cas.au.dk
Kristensen, Hans Krongaard Emeritus/Emerita VIP School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies markhkk@cas.au.dk +4587162068
Kristensen, Janus Bager Administrator/Journalist School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction jbk@cavi.au.dk
Kristensen, Jens Erik Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup jek@edu.au.dk +4526320899 B, 114b
Kristensen, Jette Gejl Teaching Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Art History kunjg@cc.au.dk 1580, 218
Kristensen, Martin Keis Special Consultant Dekanatet, Arts - Dean's Staff mkk@au.dk +4593508557 1431, 224
Kristensen, Rune Müller Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Emdrup ruvk@edu.au.dk +4561669793 +4561669793 D, 354
Kristensen, Simon Student Counsellor Arts Administrative Centre - Guidance and Study Information, Aarhus sikr@au.dk 1443, 223
Kristensen, Søren Ingerslev Student Counsellor Arts Administrative Centre - Guidance and Study Information, AR sorenkristensen@au.dk 020
Kristensen, Troels Myrup Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Classical Archaeology, subject tmk@cas.au.dk +4587162043 1461, 320
Kristensen-McLachlan, Ross Deans Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Center for Humanities Computing rdkm@cc.au.dk 1483, 418
Kristiansen, Anders Enok Administrative Officer Danish School of Education - Secretariat, Emdrup anen@edu.au.dk A, 309a
Kristiansen, Line Birk Thraentoft Career Consultant Arts Administrative Centre - Career, Aarhus linebtk@au.dk +4593508892 1443, 216
Kristiansen, Mette Schæfer Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Katrinebjerg imvmsk@cc.au.dk +4593508268 +4593508268 5347, 019-021
Kristiansen, Mette Svart Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies markmsk@cas.au.dk +4587162084 4215, 133
Kristjansdottir, Bergthora Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup bekr@au.dk +4593521040 B, 320
Kristoffersen, Elsebeth Cleaning Assistant Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Aarhus elsebethk@au.dk
Krogh, Mads Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Musicology musmk@cc.au.dk 1580, 315
Krogh, Peter Gall Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies pkrogh@cc.au.dk +4593508391 5347, 033
Krogh, Steffen Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - German gersk@cc.au.dk +4587163516 1481, 528
Krøgholt, Ida Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy draida@cc.au.dk +4587163068 1580, 144