Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Laursen, Anne Lise Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Communication and Culture - Spanish Business Communication all@cc.au.dk
Laursen, Anne-Lise Ettrup Wahlun PhD Student Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup alet@edu.au.dk +4526820498
Laursen, Cecilie Bille Student Teacher School of Culture and Society - China Studies, subject
Laursen, Helle Pia Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup heen@edu.au.dk +4587163874 B, 338
Laursen, Johnny Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject jla@au.dk +4587161324 +4520294180 1461, 523
Laursen, Per Fibæk Professor Emeritus Danish School of Education - General Education and Educational Philosophy, Emdrup pefi@edu.au.dk +4521702695
Laursen, Søren Korshøj Part-time Lecturer School of Communication and Culture - German sola@cc.au.dk
Laursen, Steffen Rønde Skilled Workman Arts Administrative Centre - Janitorial Services stelau@au.dk +4523382419 1467, 123
Ledet, Kristin Meulengracht Part-time Lecturer Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Aarhus krim@edu.au.dk 1483
Leed, Louise Bang Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Board of Studies Support and Studies Quality Assurance, Aarhus lble@au.dk 1443, 237
Legrand, Nicolas Marc Simon Researcher School of Culture and Society - Interacting Minds Centre nicolas.legrand@cas.au.dk +4587168982 +4587168982
Lehmann, Henning Jensen External VIP School of Culture and Society - Systematic Theology, subject lehmann@cas.au.dk
Lehmann, Niels Overgaard Vice-Dean Dekanatet, Arts nle@au.dk +4523382265 1431, 214
Leimbach, Timo Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies timo.leimbach@cc.au.dk +4587162837 5347, 127
Leiva, Germán Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies leiva@cc.au.dk 5347, 139
Lemming, Marianne Career Consultant Arts Administrative Centre - Career, Aarhus marlem@au.dk +4541893130 1443, 216
Lepke, Wiebke Research Assistant School of Culture and Society - Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) wlepke@cas.au.dk
Leroy, Liv Schlage Student Worker Danish School of Education livl@edu.au.dk
Leroyer, Patrick Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Lexicography pl@cc.au.dk +4587165115 +4529845560 1481, 658
Lervig, Morten Production Manager School of Communication and Culture - Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction lervig@cavi.au.dk +4587156347 +4528992100 5345, 214C
Leth-Espensen, Pernille Researcher School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture ple@cc.au.dk 1580, 342
Levin, Feliks Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - English flevin@cc.au.dk +4522354614 1481, 559
Levisen, Christina Song Special Consultant, Centre administrator School of Culture and Society - Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) levisen@cas.au.dk +4587162537 +4540878516 4230, 221
L. Frost, Shuang Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies shuangfrost@cc.au.dk 5347, 121
Lie, Kasper Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Board of Studies Support and Studies Quality Assurance, Aarhus kasperlie@au.dk +4587159609 1443, 237
Lieberkind, Jonas Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Emdrup lieberkind@edu.au.dk +4593522687 +4593522687 D, 344
Liebermann, Rosanne Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Biblical Studies, subject rosanne.liebermann@cas.au.dk +4587169136 1451, 325
Lieberoth, Andreas Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Aarhus andreas@edu.au.dk +4525808859 1483, 552
Liisberg, Marianne Høi Visiting PhD School of Communication and Culture - Department of German and Romance Languages ml@cc.au.dk +4593521870 1481, 663
Liljendal, Phillip Fonnesbech Student Worker Arts Administrative Centre - IT Support, AR, Aarhus Tåsingegade pfl@au.dk +4587159214 1442, 019
Liljendal, William Fonnesbech Student Worker Arts Administrative Centre - IT Support, AR, Aarhus Tåsingegade william@au.dk
Lima, Cristian Jose Part-time Lecturer Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup au588538@edu.au.dk
Lin, Hua Bin Cleaner Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Aarhus renghbl@au.dk
Linaa, Jette Honorary associate professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies jl@cas.au.dk +4520459140
Lindahl Thomassen, Mette PhD Student Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Aarhus melt@edu.au.dk 1483, 631
Lindenskov, Lena Emerita Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup lenali@edu.au.dk +4526306681
Lindgren, Lukas Oliver Research Assistant School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject lukas.lindgren@cas.au.dk
Lindhardt, Eva PhD-student Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup evli@edu.au.dk B, 323
Lindhardt, Line Beck Project Staff Member Danish School of Education line@edu.au.dk B, 104
Lindskov, Tobias Toft IT Supporter Arts Administrative Centre - IT Support, AR, Aarhus Tåsingegade ttl@au.dk +4523495947 1442, 023
Lini, Janne Bleeg Teaching Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology etnobleeg@cas.au.dk +4587163237 +4530256629
Linneberg, Susanne Bukh Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Board of Studies Support and Studies Quality Assurance, Aarhus subl@au.dk 1443, 241
Lintner, Karen Career Consultant Arts Administrative Centre - Career, Aarhus kali@au.dk +4587152359 1443, 216
Liu, Yu-Yu PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies yuyu.liu@cc.au.dk
Lodahl, Mikkel Research Consultant School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, School secretariat milo@cas.au.dk +4520998494 1467, 417
Lodberg, Lars Advisor Dekanatet, Arts - Dean's Staff lalo@au.dk +45 93 52 29 50 1431, 215
Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology moa@cas.au.dk +4795803603
Lønstrup, Ansa Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture aekal@cc.au.dk +4593508704 +4593508704 1580, 250
Lorensen, Julie Schultz Pedersen Department Consultant School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, School secretariat julp@cas.au.dk +4593508174 1467, 328
Louw, Maria E. Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology etnolouw@cas.au.dk +4587162062 +4522262279 4235, 222