Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Borg, Kasper Fyhn PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics kfyhn@cc.au.dk +4587150607 1483, 418
Gabrielsson, Rebekka Hegaard Research Assistant Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Aarhus rega@edu.au.dk +4587159771 1483
Gade, Christian Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology gade@cas.au.dk +4587163276 4236, 214
Gamborg, Maria Louise Assistant Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - Clinical Skills Laboratory gamborg@clin.au.dk +4521998710
Gammelgaard, Lasse Raaby Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies norlg@cc.au.dk 1485, 420
Gantzel, Christian Bødker School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, Local secretariat Moesgaard
Garms, Franziska Research Assistant School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies frgar@cc.au.dk 5347, 042
Garnham, Ignacio PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies igarnham@cc.au.dk
Garre, Olivia Stenderup Student Worker Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup ogarre@edu.au.dk B, 116
Geertz, Armin W. Professor Emeritus School of Culture and Society - Department of the Study of Religion awg@cas.au.dk 1453, 523
Gemzøe, Lynge Stegger Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy lynge@cc.au.dk +4587162023 1580, 135
Gerdes, Nan Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy ng@cc.au.dk
Gerster Johansen, Stine PhD Student Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup sgj@edu.au.dk B, 354
Ghandchi, Narges Postdoc Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Emdrup ng@edu.au.dk +4587150824 D, 254
Gilkrog, Anne Student Worker Dekanatet, Arts - Dean's Staff angi@au.dk 1442, 120
Gilliam, Laura Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Emdrup lagi@edu.au.dk +4587163784 D, 281
Gjermandsen, Pia Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Langelandsgade piag@cc.au.dk +4521551426 1580, 441
Gjesse, Anders Thomsen
Gjessing, Eva PhD Student Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup evagjessing@edu.au.dk B, 301
Gjørding, Merethe Riggelsen PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup meretherg@edu.au.dk +4587151192 D, 245
Gjørling, Ulla Chief Adviser Dekanatet, Arts ug@au.dk +4529623046 1442, 120
Glas, Jacob Evert Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Biblical Studies, subject jeglas@cas.au.dk +4587168983 1451, 422
Glass, Rivkah Gillian Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Biblical Studies, subject rgglass@cas.au.dk +4587168984 1451, 422
Gluhovic, Radomir Communications Adviser, web Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Communication radomir@au.dk +4531368626 1443, 419
Godsk Mogensen, Christina Research Assistant School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy christinagodsk@cc.au.dk 1580, 149
Gorbahn, Katja Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - German katja.gorbahn@cc.au.dk +4587162706 1481, 542
Gotfredsen, Laura Persdatter Research Assistant School of Culture and Society - Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) laurap@cas.au.dk 4230, 229
Gottlieb, Jesper Teaching Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Musicology musjg@cc.au.dk 1580, 446
Gottlieb, Katja Administrator/Journalist School of Culture and Society - Center for Grundtvig Studies, Copenhagen kagott@cas.au.dk +4587169172
Gram-Skjoldager, Karen Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject hiskgs@cas.au.dk +4587162306 1461, 528
Granum, Berit Secretary Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Bygningsservice Stab Emdrup begr@au.dk +4524970073 +4524970073 A, 001
Gravers, Mikael Emeritus School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology etnomg@cas.au.dk +4521758809 Villaen, Moesgård Alle 18
Green, Kai Roland Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies kai@cc.au.dk +4587150113 5347, 128
Grimm, Jon Auring PhD Student Danish School of Education - Department of Educational Theory and Curric. Studies, General Education and Educational Philosophy jag@edu.au.dk
Grøn, Nis Department Consultant School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Building 1481 nisgr@cc.au.dk +4542781723 1481, 446
Grønhøj, Elisabeth Omand PhD Student Danish School of Education - Department of Educational Sociology elgr@edu.au.dk +4587151178
Grønhøj, Noa PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Musicology noa@cc.au.dk 1586, 313
Grønlund, Jesper Buildings Staff Member Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Bygningsdrift Emdrup jegr@au.dk A, 003
Grüner, Line Brandbyge Schmidt PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology line.gruner@cas.au.dk 4235, 226
Grunnet, Helle Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Course and Exam Administration, Aarhus helle.grunnet@au.dk +4587162071 1442, 211
Guan, Yue Assistant Professor School of Culture and Society - China Studies, subject yue.guan@cas.au.dk +4587169086 1465, 324
Guldberg, Martin Teaching Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Musicology musmg@cc.au.dk +4587163096 +4527122736 1580, 318
Guldberg, Mathias Holm Communications Officer School of Communication and Culture - CC's Management Secretariat magu@cc.au.dk +4522133137 1580, 422
Guldborg, Caroline Corine Estel Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Building 1485 cagu@cc.au.dk +4587150181 +4522206838 1485, 337
Gulløv, Eva Professor with Special Responsibilities Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Emdrup evag@edu.au.dk +4593508147 +4593508147 D, 258
Gundersen, Lars Bo Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject fillg@cas.au.dk +4587162274 1465, 615
Gylling-Andersen, Thomas Assistant Lecturer Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup tga@edu.au.dk D, 211
Haastrup, Lisbeth Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup liha@edu.au.dk B, 317
Hahn, Agathe M. Administrator/Journalist School of Culture and Society - Center for Grundtvig Studies, Copenhagen teohahn@cas.au.dk +4587169167
Haji, Shahan PhD Student Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Emdrup shahan@edu.au.dk +4587151237 D, 285