Aarhus University Seal

Appointment of external examiners 2024-2028

At appointment

This form relates to the appointment as external co-examiner for the period 1.9.2024-31.8.2028.
Completion of this form indicates acceptance of your appointment as an external co-examiner on the Danish body of external examiners – as well as confirming that you comply with the quality requirements stated by the Faculty of Arts (in Danish).
Please direct all questions regarding the form to the chairman of the body of external co-examiners. Find contact info on the list of bodies of external co-examiners (in Danish).

General Data Protection Regulation

By using this form, you accept that Aarhus University stores and processes the personal data you provide to us to register you as an external examiner on the body of external examiners. Your personal data is stored during the period of your appointment and is erased afterwards). Read more About AU's privacy policy
When submitting the form the data is encrypted. In connection with alle further processing at Aarhus University it is insured, that data is encrypted.

Appointment of external co-examiner

Arts Censorbeskikkelse 2024-2028 - Dansk som andetsprog UK

Personal details

Mandatory fields are marked with *

Body of external examiners
Areas of competence
Educational background
Current employment
Other current employment (if any)
Other current employment (if any)
Previous employment at Danish universities
Solemn declaration