Aarhus University Seal

Co-examiner report form

Before you fill out the form - please read here

To help the co-examiner secretariat, please fill in all the fields in the form. Any comments more elaborate than just an “OK” are useful in the evaluation and will help to improve the annual report.

The distribution of marks will be reported directly to the chair of co-examiners by the studies administration for use in the annual report.

By completing the form, you confirm the following (cf. the Order on External Co-Examiners no. 332, 25 May 1993):

  • That the requirements set for the exam are in accordance with the objectives and requirements specified in ministerial orders, academic regulations, etc. (cf. Section 3)
  • That the examinees were all given the same uniform and fair treatment (cf. Section 3)
  • That your impartiality cannot be questioned under any circumstances (cf. Section 10(3))

Please note that when co-examiners can also act as examiners at their own exams, mutual co-examination should be avoided as far as possible (cf. the Order on External Co-Examiners, section 6(1)).

Indeholder formularen UK

Arts - Arts Studier - Censorindberetning UK

Body of external co-examiners
Before the exam
Exam procedure