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At Struer Museum, a new National Center for Sonic Cultural Heritage is set to be established in collaboration with, among others, the Center for Sound…
New research shows that metal detector archaeology can promote mental health, and one particular group of people seems to benefit particularly from…
A research project supported by the Working Environment Research Foundation concludes that migrants in Danish agriculture face special occupational…
Community singing has proven to be an important tool for creating unity and resilience during crises. Therefore, singing communities in times of…
Christian Dindler, Associate Professor at the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, has been appointed Distinguished Senior Innovator…
Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen receives a grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) to investigate and develop a new understanding of informed…
Aarhus University has appointed Professor Heather Anne Swanson as AU Distinguished Senior Innovator (DSI). Heather Anne Swanson, professor of…
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters is collaborating with students and a researcher from the Faculty of Arts to share research on…
Artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing the way we communicate. Therefore, a potential new basic research center at Aarhus University,…
The Augustinus Foundation supports the Unit for Singing Research at Aarhus University, which will carry out a survey of singing in Danish schools…
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