Aarhus University Seal


Betweeen paper and pixels 2016

19 May
2 days, Thursday 19 May 2016, at 09:00 - 20 May

The literary field is in a state of transition. Radical developments in the media ecology throughout the last decades (not least the digital…

PhD Defence: Magda Tyżlik-Carver

18 May
Wednesday 18 May 2016, at 13:00

CURATING IN/AS COMMON/S posthuman curating and computational cultures

Jacob Sherson: Uniquely human? The computer or man as victor in modern challenges?

18 May
Wednesday 18 May 2016, at 12:00

Associate Professor Jacob Sherson from the Department of Physics and Astronomy visits Posthuman Aesthetics for a talk on the possibilities of quantum…

Design Expo 2016

13 May
Friday 13 May 2016, at 12:00

Insight into digital solutions to an array of different domains. Knowlegde about the process of thorough user research, prototyping and development of…