Aarhus University Seal

Bellah symposium

Research symposium in honorem et memoriam Robert Bellah, former Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

Info about event


Thursday 25 September 2014,  at 15:15 - 19:00


Building 1451-53, 5th floor

By this symposium the section wants to honour and to acknowledge Robert Bellah's contribution in the study of the humanities and social sciences in general and in the study of religion in particular. Since many of us have been very inspired by the work of the late Bellah, a group among us has found it obvious to host a symposium on Bellah’s significance for a reconceptualization of the study of religion.

Simultaneously, the symposium will also be an occasion to express our gratitude to Alexandra Maryanski and Jonathan Turner for their stay here as guest professors. They will return to Santa Barbara a few days after the symposium. Therefore, we shall finish the symposium with some wine and snacks.

Armin Geertz, Hans Jørgen Lundager, Alexandra Maryanski, Jonathan Turner, and Anders Klostergaard Petersen will present papers at the symposium.