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Climate change and sustainability

AU Moesgaard Autumn Lecture: "Climate change and sustainability – perspectives from archaeology and anthropology" with guest speakers Robert Van de Noort, University of Reading and Susan Crate, George Mason University.

Info about event


Friday 5 September 2014,  at 13:00 - 17:00


The lecture hall at the new Moesgaard Museum (4240-020)


13.00-13.15 Welcome
by Michael Eilenberg, Aarhus Univesity

13.15-14.00 Climate Change Archaeology: a 21st century perspective
by Robert Van de Noort, Professor of Wetland Archaeology, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Reading.

“Archaeologist have been studying the interactions between climate change, environmental change and human behaviour for over 150 years, but very little of this research has found its way into current climate change science. This lecture advocates a different way  of working, intended to give archaeology its rightful place in the important debates on climate change in the 21st century.”

14.00-14.45 Anthropological Investigations into the ‘Bottom-Up Complexity’ in the 21st Century
by Susan Crate, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Policy, George Mason University

“Anthropologists investigate climate change within the complexity of change in the contemporary globalized world, all affecting cultures’ interactions with their environments. Our field’s tools, founded on ethnographic qualitative methods, reveal how the diversity of the world’s cultures are affected by and responding to this complexity of changes differently based in local cultural and ecosystem particularities. Therefore, anthropology can facilitate adaptive capacity by identifying the path-dependent vectors of vulnerability and also contribute to mitigation by clarifying the ethics, practices, and policies/politics of transitioning to a low-carbon society, including the resistance these changes will inevitably entail.” 

14.45-15.00 Break, coffee

15.00-15.30 Panel debate

15.30-15.45 Questions & round-off

16.00-17.00 Reception (in the canteen at Campus Moesgaard)

Entrance is free of charge but please sign up for the reception if you would like to join