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Exploring the Grey Zones: Governance, Conflict and (In)Security in Eastern Europe

Conference organized by Ida Harboe and Martin Demant Frederiksen

Info about event


Friday 1 November 2013, at 08:30 - Saturday 2 November 2013, at 15:00


Aarhus University conference center, Room 2 (mødelokale 2), Building 1420

The conference Exploring the Grey Zones: Governance, Conflict and (In)Security in Eastern Europe takes place on Friday, November 1 and Saturday November 2 2013 

Room 2 (mødelokale 2), Building 1420, Studenternes Hus, Frederik Nielsens Vej, 8000 Aarhus C.

Download the conference schedule here.

Organizers: Ida Harboe and Martin Demant Frederiksen