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AFLYST Foredrag i Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab

KARNAK BEFORE AND NOW v. Mostafa AlSaghir, director-general of Karnak temples

Info about event


Tuesday 21 April 2020,  at 17:30 - 18:30


Antikmuseet, Victor Albecks Vej 3, bygn. 1414, Aarhus Universitet, 8000 Aarhus C

Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab og Antikmuseet invites you to a lecture about Karnak before and now

This lecture is in english

Karnak Temples - the place of Amun - is one of the largest monumental areas in the world. It is the main feature of the World Heritage Site of Ancient Thebes. Around 2000 BC, there were already monuments here and almost all the kings of Egypt since that date till the end of the Roman period were keen to erect monuments for Amun, master of Karnak.

The lecture will uncover the history of the largest temple site in the world where millions of visitors admire the glory of ancestors as well as the Great Processional Way between Karnak and Luxor Temples. The ongoing project at the Great Processional Way reveals its hidden stories and creates a massive open-air monumental area including Karnak, the Mut precinct, Luxor Temples and the Great Processional Way.

It was established during the New Kingdom with huge criosphinxes on both sides of the road and it holds the names of Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, Sety II and Ramses III. King Nectanebo I of the 30th Dynasty who completed the Great Processional Way with human head sphinxes on both sides of the road.

Please be at the museum at 17.20 at the latest as the doors will be locked when the lecture begins. The Museum is open from 16.30. The lecture is free and open to every one. Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab hjemmeside: www.daes.dk