Aarhus University Seal

Guest Lecture - The Research Programme Transnational Modernities

Sarah Thal, Associate Professor and Ian Reader, Associate Professor

Info about event


Thursday 6 December 2012,  at 12:00 - 16:00


Building 1481, room 340

Sarah Thal, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison

“Rearranging the Landscape of the Gods: The Politics of a Japanese Pilgrimage Site, 1572-1912”

Ian Reader, Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University

“Secularisation in Japan? The problems of Buddhist tem-ples, pilgrimages and new religions in post-Aum Japan”

Discussant: Jørn Borup, Associate Professor in Japanese Religions at Aarhus University
Chair: Annette Skovsted Hansen, Associate Professor of Japanese History at Aarhus University