Aarhus University Seal

Intersectionality as a research concept

Seminar with Professor Sylvia Walby (Lancaster University)

Info about event


Wednesday 6 November 2013,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Place: Building 1461, room 516, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5, 8000 Aarhus C.


Research Programme Modern Europe

How do different identities interact and affect the opportunities for individuals and groups in society? This is the main question related to intersectionality - a concept that is at the heart of many debates about the future of equality policies in Europe. Intersectionality will also be the focus in this seminar, in which Professor of Sociology Sylvia Walby (Lancaster University) will give an introduction to the concept and its applicability and importance as a research tool. After Sylvia Walby’s presentation the seminar will open for discussion on the perspectives related to using intersectionality as a research concept.