Aarhus University Seal

John Lunde Simonsen's defense of higher doctoral dissertation: Daily Life at the Turn of the Neolithic

A comparative study of longhouses with sunken floors at Resengaard and nine other settlements in the Limfjord Region, South Scandinavia

Info about event


Friday 1 September 2017,  at 13:00 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Moesgård, Moesgård Allé, Building 4206, room 139 (foredragssalen / lecture room), 8270 Højbjerg


Anette Gregersen

With a view to acquiring the higher doctoral degree (dr.phil.) John Lunde Simonsen will be defending his higher doctoral dissertation.

Assessment committee:

  • Professor Helle Vandkilde, School of Culture and Society, Department of Archaeology & Heritage Studies, Aarhus University (Chair of Committee)
  • Professor Charlotte Damm, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, Arctic University of Norway
  • Principal Lecturer and Head of Department of Archaeology, Dr Nick Thorpe, University of Winchester, UK

The dissertation is available for reading at this address: Aarhus University, School of Culture and Society, Inger Sørensen’s office, Department Secretary to Archaeology, Moesgård Allé 20, building 4235, room 122, Højbjerg. The defence will be conducted in English, it is public, and we welcome everyone.

Opponents ex auditorio may present themselves already now, sending a mail to Annette Gregersen at gregersen@au.dk. It will also be possible to announce oneself as an opponent during the break on the day of defence.