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Open lecture

Carol Gluck (Columbia), ‘Modernity in Common: Japan and World History’

Info about event


Friday 4 October 2013,  at 10:00 - 12:00


lecture hall 1441-113, Tåsingegade


Research Programme Transnational Modernities

4. October (NB: Friday!), 10 am to 12 (lecture hall 1441-113, Tåsingegade):

Open lecture by Carol Gluck (Columbia), ‘Modernity in Common: Japan and World History’

Followed by a research seminar (1 pm tp 3 pm in room 1467-316) for programme members.


Carol Gluck is the George Sansom Professor of History at Columbia University. Her field is the history of modern Japan from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, with writings on the political, social, and cultural history of Japan in transnational perspective, World War II, history-writing and public memory in Asia and the West.
Her books include Japan's Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period,,1985; Showa: the Japan of Hirohito,1992; Words in Motion: Toward a Global Lexicon, 2009; Thinking with the Past: Modern Japan and History, 2013; Past Obsessions: World War II in History and Memory, forthcoming; and in Japanese, Rekishi de kangaeru [Thinking about History], 2007.  A portion of her current research on the history of modern Japan appeared as “The End of Elsewhere: Writing Modernity Now,” American Historical Review, June 2011