Aarhus University Seal

Peace and Dividends: The International Co-operative Alliance and Co-operative Internationalism in Northern Europe, c.1860-1939

Reserach seminar with associate professor Mary Hilson, University College London

Info about event


Thursday 6 March 2014,  at 14:15 - 16:00


Aarhus University, building 1461/516


Modern Europe

Mary hilson will present a book project currently in progress and planned for completion later this year. Although it was one of the most important social movements in inter-war Europe, cooperation remains underresearched by historians, especially in a transnational perspective. From its beginnings co-operation was shaped by transnational exchange and from 1895 it also had its own international organization, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). The main question discussed in the book concerns the meaning of cooperation: was it a social movement or an economic enterprise? Did it aspire to challenge capitalism or reform it? The cooperative federations of the Nordic countries played a particularly important role in shaping these debates within the ICA. Studying the Nordic countries in the ICA sheds light on the development of Nordic cooperation (in the sense of nordiskt samarbete) during the inter-war period and the emergence of the Nordic "middle way".