Aarhus University Seal

P.V. Glob PhD seminar of the MCH

PhD seminar with individual presentations

Info about event


Friday 20 March 2015,  at 12:00 - 18:00

Discussants: Helle Vandkilde, Felix Riede, Mette Svart Kristiansen and Mette Løvschal in addition to other members of staff.

The idea is to promote fellow’s presentation skills and support the progression of individual projects in a relaxed atmosphere of communal supervision, which can supplement individual supervision in fruitful companionship (1-2 ECTS recommended).

Food and drink will conclude the seminar.

14.00 Nina Helt Nielsen

”Geoarchaeological Investigations of the Celtic Fields at Øster Lem Hede,

Western Jutland”

14.30 Jenny Weise

“Medieval period subject”

15.00 Torben Trier Christiansen

“Metal Detector Finds from the Plough Layer and Archaeological

Research – Challenges and Possibilities”

15.30 Coffee/tea break

15.45 Mathias Bjørnevad Jensen

“Ritualising the everyday and the extraordinary in the Northern

European Mesolithic – a comparative diachronic approach”

16.15 Karin Johannesen

“Depositional rituals in the early Iron Age”

16.45 René Enevold

”Non Pollen Palynomorphs – the new deputies in palynology”

17.15 Anna Severine Beck

“The Good Life – a study of humans, architecture and ideals in the Viking


17.45 -? Food, drink and socialising

See programme here