Aarhus University Seal

P.V. Glob Seminar of the MCH

Globalisation: glocality and transculturality in early societies

Info about event


Wednesday 13 May 2015,  at 11:00 - 17:00

[Translate to English:] The idea behind this seminar is to show how globalisation perspectives can enrich archaeological studies in different ways depending on the period and the kind of problem under investigation. The global, local and the transcultural will typically intertwine in intriguing ways that stimulate the research process and reveal creativity, agency and tradition in the studied domains. Dr. Philipp Storkhammer (Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" Heidelberg University) will give his keynote talk based on his research of the EBA in central Europe while the other speakers will cover prehistoric and historic periods or themes in Afro-Eurasia. Niels Johannsen and Helle Vandkilde will be discussants, and the audience is invited to participate actively.

See programme here