Aarhus University Seal

Quantitative ethnography and data science methods in educational research - Focus on text analysis

POSTPONED DUE TO THE AU CORONA DIRECTIVE - This is the first of three mixed methods courses arranged by NCS, Aarhus University. Lecturers: Morten Misfeldt, KU, and Jonas Dreyøe, AAU. Please note the new registration deadline!

Info about event


Monday 16 March 2020,  at 09:30 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Trøjborgvej 82-84, 8000 Aarhus C, Building 1915, Room 224


National Centre for School Research

Course description

During this course we will focus on the use of data science methods to address issues and research questions that are classically considered qualitative.

This includes introductions to:

  • Various methods that allow processing of data that are often considered qualitative with digital - basically quantitative methods
  • How text data can be processed by natural language processing
  • Specific tools and data

The course also introduces quantitative ethnography as a potential theoretical framework of the work, including a discussion of how it is possible to describe the role of tools and methods.

Participants will gain basic knowledge and skills in relation to quantitative ethnography as a research method in educational research.

Target group/participants
The course is targeted at PhD students and researchers with no prior or minimum knowledge regarding the theme of quantitative ethnography.

The course consists of a combination of presentations and hands-on activities. A more detailed programme along with readings will be forwarded after the registration deadline.

Further information about the series of mixed methods courses can be found here

Lecturers and organizers: Morten Misfeldt, KU, Jonas Dreyøe, AAU & Jacob Christensen, NCS/DPU

Date: 16 March 2020, 10.00-16.00 CET. Breakfast and registration from 9.30 to 10.00. 

Venue: Aarhus University, Trøjborgvej 82-84, 8000 Aarhus C, Building 1915, Room 224

ECTS points granted for PhD students: 1 ECTS point will be granted by the PhD School of Aarhus University

Language: The entire course will be in English if requested by non-Danish participants

Deadline for registration: 9 March 2020

Price for non PhD students: 350 DKK including meals 

PhD students: Free (documentation required)

Register here