Aarhus University Seal

Recearch Programme Meeting

Recearch Programme Meeting for Classical Antiquity: Tradition and Transformation. Theme of the term: Staging the self – staging the world.

Info about event


Wednesday 2 October 2013,  at 12:15 - 14:30


Aarhus University, Campus Nobel, Building 1453, Room 415


Research Programme Classical Antiquity: Tradition and Transformation

12.15- 13.15: Lunch and organization

  1. Other issues for the agenda
  2. Minutes from our last meeting – any comments
  3. General information from the department, research units etc.
  4. Strategies for publication (main topic for discussion)

13.15-14.30: Theme of the term: Staging the self – staging the world

13.15-14.15: Niels Bargfeldt: Elite Societies in Roman Provinces: Presentation and discussion.

14.15-14.30: Short discussion and information about the program for November, December and the meeting in Rome in January 2014.

/ Anders-Christian Jacobsen,
Head of the Research Programme