Aarhus University Seal

Research talk: Stefan Gaardsmand Jacobsen (AU)

"The global power of a moral science: the shared roots of international and economic law"

Info about event


Wednesday 5 March 2014,  at 09:15 - 11:00

After briefly introducing to the development of international law and economics in the tradition from Grotius and Pufendorf to Adam Smith and Bentham, the paper explains how these theoretical traditions became pivotal for key diplomats engaged in British and French trade agreements.The paper draws upon recent scholarship on the activities of John Bowring and other key actors in liberalist British and French circles that combined the notion of the science of economics with campaigns for disseminating international law in Europe and Asia.

Arrangeret af forskningsenheden for den politiske og økonomiske tænknings historie.

For yderligere information, kontakt enhedskoordinator Christian Olaf Christiansen (idecoc@cas.au.dk)