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SCHELLING'S PHILOSOPHY - Four guest lectures by Prof. Markus Gabriel

The second lecture of four by Professor Markus Gabriel (Universität Bonn) treats the ontology of predication in Schelling’s late philosophy

Info about event


Tuesday 24 April 2012,  at 10:15 - 12:00


Aarhus University, Building 1467, Room 130

In April and May professor Markus Gabriel (Universität Bonn) will be visiting the Department og Culture and Society. Professor Gabriel is an internationally renowned scholar and expert on German Idealism, and has published a number of books on idealist philosophers and topics. To mention but a few: Das Absolute und die Welt in Schellings Freiheitsschrift (Bonn University Press 2006); Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism (with Slavoj Žižek, Continuum 2009) and Transcendental Ontology: Essays on German Idealism (Continuum 2011).

During his visit Professor Gabriel will be giving four lectures on Schelling as part of The German Idealism Lab and a lecture on Alain Badiou and Quentin Meillassoux in the Idealism Circle.

The second lecture called The ontology of predication in Schelling’s late philosophy takes place Tuesday April 24, 10.15-12.00, Building 1467, Room 130.

All talks are free of charge and faculty and students are encouraged to show up and participate in the discussions.