Aarhus University Seal


Walking along Ancestral Lines

Info about event


Thursday 28 November 2013,  at 14:00 - 18:00


Aarhus University, Moesgård, Lecture Hall, 4206-139

Walking along Ancestral Lines. Prehistoric barrow alignments from the 3rd Millennium BC in North-Western and Central Europe organized by Quentin Bourgeois (exchange postdoc fellow from Leiden University, with Helle Vandkilde & Mette Løvschal as discussants.

Barrow alignments occur frequently throughout North-Western and Central Europe. There are indications that the earliest of such lines appear towards the end of the 4th and the early 3rd Millennium BC, but the practice is long-lived and continues until at least 1000 BC. These large man-made structures transformed how the landscape had to be experienced in a lasting way. Yet it is still relatively unknown when and where these alignments occur and what they represent.