Aarhus University Seal

The Stonehenge Riverside Project: New monuments – new results

Professor Mike Parker-Pearson, University of Sheffield, lectures in the weekly seminar forum of Prehistoric Archaeology.

Info about event


Thursday 29 March 2012,  at 15:00 - 17:00


Aarhus Campus, the Lecture Hall at Moesgaard

The lecture is open to everyone.

Stonehenge is one of the great wonders of the prehistoric world because of its exceptional monumentality.

After years of new excavations and research, archaeologists have now provided completely new knowledge of the date, history and purpose of this unique monument.
One of the key advances has been to place the central monument of Stonehenge in relation to the surrounding monuments as well as the wider landscape and prehistoric monuments at the Salisbury Plain.

We now know much more about how Stonehenge developed over time in concert with its surroundings. Knowledge has for example been provided about the people who built Stonehenge – their place of origin, their daily life, their religious beliefs, and how they organized socially. Near the henge-enclosure of Durrington~Walls the project excavated a settlement with houses, now believed to have been inhabited by Stonehenge’s builders.