Aarhus University Seal

Workshop on Trolls and Trollology

The Medieval Research Unit, Aarhus University

Info about event


Wednesday 12 November 2014,  at 13:15 - 16:00


Aarhus University, building 1453-513


The Medieval Research Unit, Aarhus University

The Medieval Research Unit, Aarhus University
(Forskningsenhed for Europæisk Middelalder, FEM)

Announces a Workshop on
Trolls and Trollology

Wednesday 12th of November 2014, 13.15-16.00, Building 1453-513


a presentation by John Lindow, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley,
and a response by Karen Bek-Pedersen, PhD, external lecturer
at the University of Southern Denmark.


On the occasion of a visit by Professor John Lindow from the University of California, Berkeley, the Medieval Research Unit at Aarhus University invites all interested scholars and students to a workshop on trolls and trollology.

John Lindow is a professor of Scandinavian Studies and Folklore at the University of California, Berkeley. In the spring of 2014 he published a book entitled Trolls: An Unnatural History, where he explores the history of trolls from their first appearance in Scandinavian folklore to their continuing appearance in today’s popular culture.

Professor Lindow will open the workshop with a presentation of his book. After this Karen Bek-Pedersen, PhD and external lecturer at the University of Southern Denmark, will give a response to Lindow’s presentation and discuss some of the viewpoints and results of his work. All participants are invited to contribute comments and reflections on the topic of trolls and trollology to the subsequent discussion.

Wine and snacks will be served during the workshop. All are welcome. Registration is not necessary. For further information, contact: Sophie Bønding, Department of the Study of Religion (socb@cas.au.dk).