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We are afraid to shake each other’s hands, and now spend more time washing and disinfecting our hands than ever before. Is the simple handshake an outmoded form of greeting that is heading for the dust heap of history? Are we starting an era of more permanent social distancing? And will we continue…
Nina kofoed has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: "Lutheran legacy in Danish society in a longue durée perspective. Household, authority and social responsibility".
Lotte Meinert has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: “Sharing Mountains: Ethical Change in Ik Land”
Kasper Bro Larsen has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: “The Programmatic Scene in New Testament Gospels and Ancient Biographies”.
Jens Christian Bjerring has received a Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship for his research project: “Algorithmic Decision Making: Philosophical Challenges”.
Gauri has received a Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship for her research project: “Plastics and the Anthropocene: The Bads Associated with the Goods We Consume”.
Ph.d.-rådet for Uddannelsesforskning har bevilget godt 30 mio. kr. til 12 ph.d.-forskningsprojekter, der med praksisnær forskning i undervisning skal styrke læreruddannelsen og folkeskolen. 8 af projekterne er et samarbejde imellem DPU, Aarhus Universitet og professionshøjskolerne KP, VIA og UCN.
Head of School Bjarke Paarup has appointed two new Deputy Heads of School. Professor Andreas Roepstorff and Associate Professor Marie Vejrup Nielsen are looking forward to becoming part of the school management team.
Fabula-NET: A Deep Neural Network for Automated Multidimensional Assessment of Literacy Fiction and Narratives
Commenting on the power and control of technology the artwork uses the framework of the game 4-Card Monte to explore how we as users are led to believe that we are in control only to find out the game is rigged… The work has been selected for showcase at Ars Electronica Festival.
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