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Christine Parsons is head of the Interacting Minds Centre and newly appointed professor of translational psychological science both at the School of…
Christian Vium, associate professor of anthropology, receives a huge grant from the Danish Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) to study the lives…
Researchers from DATALAB – Center for Digital Social Research have further developed a model to predict six primary emotions and their imprint on…
Professor Peter Dalsgaard has received the Elite Research Prize for his innovative research, which shows that we need to rethink the way we understand…
It is now possible to take a free online course in Danish history in both Danish and English. The English texts have also been published as a book.
Ole Sejer Iversen, professor i interaktionsdesign ved AU og Michael E. Caspersen, direktør ved It-vest og adjungeret professor ved Institut for…
In a new research and innovation project, researchers from Aarhus University, in collaboration with a number of international partners, will make…
Ti nye forskningsprojekter sætter nu gang i en forskningsindsats i udsatte børn og unge. Lektor Eva Eriksson står bag et af projekterne, som er…
New research has found that Ice Age cave art made as early as 40,000 years ago could have been influenced in part by a visual psychological phenomenon…
With an ERC grant Iza Romanowska will investigate long-term urban evolution and the resilience of cities by combining cutting-edge computer…
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