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Ole Sejer Iversen, professor i interaktionsdesign ved AU og Michael E. Caspersen, direktør ved It-vest og adjungeret professor ved Institut for Datalogi, er de første modtagere af prisen for årets digitale samfunds-impact. Prisen er indstiftet af branchefælleskaberne Digital Dogme og DI Digital.
In a new research and innovation project, researchers from Aarhus University, in collaboration with a number of international partners, will make recommendations to the European Commission on how to make the fashion industry more sustainable. The research and innovation project has received funding…
Ti nye forskningsprojekter sætter nu gang i en forskningsindsats i udsatte børn og unge. Lektor Eva Eriksson står bag et af projekterne, som er støttet af Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond.
New research has found that Ice Age cave art made as early as 40,000 years ago could have been influenced in part by a visual psychological phenomenon that humans still experience today.
With an ERC grant Iza Romanowska will investigate long-term urban evolution and the resilience of cities by combining cutting-edge computer technologies with large archaeological datasets for the improvement of future urban development.
Professor Mette Løvschal takes us on a journey over thousands of years when she uncovers the history of heath and pasture landscapes. Her research doesn’t only tell us about the past. It also makes us wiser about human-made nature today – from East Africa to East Jutland. Now Mette Løvschal receives…
Marie Vejrup Nielsen will serve as acting head of the School of Culture and Society when Andreas Roepstorff steps down on 15 May 2023.
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters recently appointed ten new members of the Class of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Professor Anja Bechmann from Aarhus University has been appointed to one of these prestigious posts.
Associate Professor Rikke Toft Nørgård from the Danish School of Education at Aarhus University is the Coordinator of a new cross-European consortium. Research institutions, cultural organisations and creative industries are working together to develop new models for collaboration between culture,…
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