Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Lin, Hua Bin Cleaner Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Aarhus renghbl@au.dk
Lindenskov, Lena Emeritus Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup lenali@edu.au.dk +4526306681 B, 337
Lindhardt, Eva PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup evli@edu.au.dk +4587151132 B, 323
Lindhardt, Line Beck Project Staff Member Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup line@edu.au.dk B, 104
Lindhardtsen, Anna Ramsing PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy annarali@cc.au.dk +4587150603
Lini, Janne Bleeg Teaching Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology etnobleeg@cas.au.dk +4587163237 +4530256629 4231, 212A
Linneberg, Susanne Bukh Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Case Management, AR subl@au.dk +4587168892 1443, 225
Lintner, Karen Career Consultant Arts Administrative Centre - Career, Aarhus kali@au.dk +4587152359 1443, 216
Liu, Yu-Yu PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies yuyu.liu@cc.au.dk +4587150215
Lodahl, Mikkel Research Consultant School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, School secretariat milo@cas.au.dk +4520998494 1467, 417
Lodberg, Lars Advisor Dekanatet, Arts - Dean's Staff lalo@au.dk +45 93 52 29 50 1442, 127
Lønning, Moa Nyamwathi Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology moa@cas.au.dk +4795803603
Lønstrup, Ansa Emeritus School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture aekal@cc.au.dk +4593508704 +4593508704 1580, 250
Lorensen, Julie Schultz Pedersen Department Consultant School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, School secretariat julp@cas.au.dk +4593508174 1467, 328
Louw, Maria E. Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology etnolouw@cas.au.dk +4587162062 +4522262279 4235, 222
Løvschal, Mette Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies lovschal@cas.au.dk +4522889205 4210
Lowe, Sebastian PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology sebastian.lowe@cas.au.dk
Ludvigsen, Gitte Pappe Department Secretary School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, School secretariat gittepappe@cas.au.dk +4587162768 +4561334330 1467, 423
Lund, Jacob Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture jacoblund@cc.au.dk +4527209752 1580, 350
Lund, Marie Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Retorik retml@cc.au.dk +4587163062 +4521142207 1580, 119
Lund, Mette Langeberg Research Assistant School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy mllu@cc.au.dk 1580, 149
Lundgård, Sissel Raahede PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies srl@cc.au.dk +4587150592 5347, 142
Lunding, Rasmus B. IT Staff Member School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies rasl@cc.au.dk +4587161953 +4528358236 5347, 034
Lund Mortensen, Emilie Assistant Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology elm@cas.au.dk +4526211250 4235, 138
Lykke Cobos, Kristian-Alberto Part-time Lecturer School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject kalc@cas.au.dk
Lykkegård, Jeanette Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology etnojln@cas.au.dk +4587162886 4211
Lyngseth, Øyvind Part-time Lecturer School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject filolyng@cas.au.dk +4520830100
Lysgaard, Jonas Andreasen Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup lysgaard@edu.au.dk +4593508101 +4593508101 B, 206
Lyshøj, Kirsten Administrative Officer School of Communication and Culture - Peter Skautrup Centre for Jutlandic Dialect Research jyskl@cc.au.dk +4587163161 1910, 024
Mach, Rikke Pertou Administrator/Journalist School of Communication and Culture - Musicology musrpm@cc.au.dk +4587163103 1580, 443
Macias Garcia, Ana Maria Part-time Lecturer School of Communication and Culture - Spanish Business Communication au249246@cc.au.dk 1481, 629
Madsen, Birgitte Stærmose Department Consultant School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Katrinebjerg bima@cc.au.dk +4593508991 5335, 253/1580-450
Madsen, Carsten Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Retorik retcm@cc.au.dk +4593522194 +4593522194 1580, 123
Madsen, Charlotte Dyreborg Assistant Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup chamadsen@edu.au.dk D, 215
Madsen, Maria Solhøj Student Counsellor and Career Consultant Arts Administrative Centre - Guidance and Study Information, Aarhus mask@au.dk +4587159706 1443, 223
Madsen, Mette PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Theology mmm@cas.au.dk +4587150581 1451, 419
Madsen, Miriam Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Aarhus mirm@edu.au.dk +4520842672 +4520842672 1483, 630
Madsen, Pia Burgaard Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Langelandsgade p.burgaard@cc.au.dk +4527782821 +4527782821 1580, 447
Magne, Jeanette Teaching Associate Professor Danish School of Education - General Education and Educational Philosophy, Emdrup jema@edu.au.dk D, 115
Maier, Carmen Daniela Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - English Business Communication cdm@cc.au.dk +4587159652 +4593508647 1481, 458
Majgaard, Klaus Part-time Lecturer Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup au331556@edu.au.dk
Majlund Jensen, Annemarie PhD Student School of Culture and Society - European Studies amj@cas.au.dk
Major-Smith, Daniel Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of the Study of Religion dan.major-smith@cas.au.dk +4587150526 1451, 521
Maleve, Nicolas René M Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies maleven@cc.au.dk +4587150586 5347, 220
Malmgart, Liselotte Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Church History and Practical Theology, subject lm@cas.au.dk +4587162752 1451, 429
Malta, Astrid Helena Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Academic regulations, Board Support and Studies Quality Assurance (SNUK) ahma@au.dk +4587150635 1443, 229
Mandova, Ekaterina Student Worker School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Building 1481 emandova@cc.au.dk +4587163521 1481, 460
Mandrup, Katrine Hedegaard Research Assistant School of Communication and Culture - Experience Economy kmbach@cc.au.dk
Manniche, Nana Research Assistant Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup nana@edu.au.dk
Mannino, Marcello Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies marcello.mannino@cas.au.dk +4587162956 +4522563000 4215, 126