Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Bechmann, Anja Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies anjabechmann@cc.au.dk +4551335138 5335, 247
Bech Thomsen, Gerd Cecilie HR Supporter Arts Administrative Centre - Arts HR gebeth@au.dk +4593521049 1443, 433
Beck, Sofia Navarro PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics snb@cc.au.dk 1485-621
Becker, Anna Katharina Professor School of Culture and Society - History of Ideas, subject anna.becker@cas.au.dk +4587162246 1465, 625
Beek, Martijn van Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology mvanbeek@cas.au.dk +4587162119 +4561681551 4236, 111
Behar, Virginie Klara PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies vbe@cc.au.dk 5347, 236
Bek-Pedersen, Karen Part-time Lecturer School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies karenbek@cas.au.dk 1485, 438
Bek-Thomsen, Jakob Associate Professor, PhD programme director, Deputy head of scho School of Culture and Society - History of Ideas, subject idejbt@cas.au.dk +4587162285 +4526179655 1465, 624
Belhadj, El-Ghalia Cleaning Assistant Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Emdrup elgb@au.dk
Bendtsen, Mads Lou PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies mlb@cas.au.dk +4587151389 4215, 034
Bengesser, Cathrin Helen Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies cbengesser@cc.au.dk +4587168843 +4593522071 5335, 263
Bengtson, Marie Vestergaard Student Worker Arts Administrative Centre - Case Management, AR mavb@au.dk +4587150629 1442, 226
Bennedsgaard, Agnethe Brounbjerg PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature agb@cc.au.dk 1586, 319
Berisha, Tringa PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup tringa@edu.au.dk +4587159537 +4587159537 D, 245
Bernard, Janni Assistant Inspector Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Emdrup jaber@au.dk +4593508000 A, 003
Berndsen, Mette PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup metteberndsen@edu.au.dk +4587151129 B, 305
Berniunas, Renatas Researcher School of Culture and Society - Interacting Minds Centre renatas.berniunas@cas.au.dk +4587159781 +4587159781
Bertelsen, Casper Lyngholm Student Worker Arts Administrative Centre - IT Support, AR, Aarhus Tåsingegade casper@au.dk 1443
Bertelsen, Lars Kiel Director of Studies School of Communication and Culture - Art History lars.kiel@cc.au.dk +4587163051 +4593521846 1580, 413
Berthelsen, Ulf Dalvad Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies udb@cc.au.dk +4587151508 1485, 519
Bhattarai, Sadikshya PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Emdrup sadikshya.bhattarai@edu.au.dk D, 266
Bhutia, Anisa External VIP School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology anisa@cas.au.dk
Bindslev, Sofie Gry Administrator/Journalist Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Emdrup sobi@edu.au.dk +4593522857 +4593522857 D, 318
Birch, Amalie Rævsbæk Research Assistant Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Aarhus birch@edu.au.dk +4587150483 1483, 544
Birch, Thomas Archaeometrist Department of Geoscience t.birch@geo.au.dk 1672, 313
Birkelund, Merete Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - French rommbi@cc.au.dk +4587162617 +4526701302 1481, 662
Birkler, Margrethe Kamille PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Theology mkbn@cas.au.dk +4587169149 1451, 422
Biskjær, Michael Mose Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies mmb@cc.au.dk +4587168846 5347, 135
Bizzoni, Yuri Researcher School of Culture and Society - Center for Humanities Computing yuri.bizzoni@cas.au.dk +4587151308 1483, 430
Bjelland Kartzow, Marianne Honorary Professor School of Culture and Society - Biblical Studies, subject au724167@cas.au.dk
Bjerggaard, Anders Museum Caretaker School of Culture and Society - Antikmuseet ab@cas.au.dk 1414, 012
Bjerre, Jørn Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Aarhus jbje@edu.au.dk +4551443762 +4551443762 1483, 548
Bjerregaard, Mette de Hemmer Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of the Study of Religion mebj@cas.au.dk +4587150485 1453, 522
Bjerregaard, Sofie Budhoo PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology sobj@cas.au.dk
Bjerre Olesen, Sigrid PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies sigrid-bjerre@cc.au.dk 5347, 124
Bjerring, Bodil PhD Administrator Arts Administrative Centre - Arts PhD administration bodil.bjerring@au.dk +4587153297 1443, 423
Bjerring, Jens Christian Professor, Research Programme Director School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject filjcb@cas.au.dk +4527287044 1467, 621
Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist, Laura Elisabeth Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies laura.ahlqvist@cas.au.dk +4587151393 4215, 232
Bjørn Jensen, Rikke Department Secretary Theology School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, Local secretariat 1451 rikkebj@cas.au.dk +4587162817 +4593522234 1451, 319
Bladt, Thea PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of History and Classical Studies t.bladt@cas.au.dk +4587150019
Blanton, Amos Bokonen Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Interacting Minds Centre amos@cas.au.dk +4587169029 +4587169029
Bleses, Dorthe Professor School of Communication and Culture - Linguistics bleses@cc.au.dk +4593508354 +4593508354 2622, 10
Blomhøj, Morten Professor Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup blomhoej@edu.au.dk +4521560754 +4521560754 B, 352
Boas, Kirstine Research Fellow School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies boas@cc.au.dk 1485, 439
Bobou, Olympia Assistant Professor School of Culture and Society - Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) olympia.bobou@cas.au.dk +4587163424 1461, 323
Bødker, Henrik Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies hb@cc.au.dk +4587162002 +4528992192 5335, 233
Bøegh, Kristoffer Friis External VIP School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies kfb@cc.au.dk
Boelsbjerg, Hanne Bess External TAP School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology bess@cas.au.dk
Boenisch, Peter M. Professor School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy peter.boenisch@cc.au.dk +4587163058 1580, 139
Boesen, Casper Teamcoordinator Arts Administrative Centre - IT Support, AR, Aarhus Tåsingegade cab@au.dk +4587159127 +4521666254 1442, 023