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The circumstances facing different families vary a great deal – as do the resources with which they are equipped. So when it comes to organising…
Professor of anthropology Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing receives the title of honorary doctor 2022 and can look forward to being celebrated on 9 September
In partnership with researchers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Aarhus University, Associate Professor Mette Løvschal from the Faculty of Arts…
Thomas Terkildsen does not consider himself an artist, but he has a message, and he knows a lot about how virtual reality technology can make…
Professor Andreas Roepstorff has been appointed to the position of head of the School of Culture and Society as of 1 April 2022.
An interdisciplinary Danish team of researchers has used new astronomical knowledge to establish an exact time anchor for the arrival of trade flows…
Cristina Fominaya has accepted a position as Professor at the School of Culture from 1 November 2021.
The Department of Media and Journalism Studies, the School of Communication and Culture together with the European Communications Research and…
Aarhus Universitets Jubilæumsfond uddeler hvert år ved årsfesten to hæderspriser: Den Pædagogiske Hæderspris og Forskningsformidlingsprisen. Med begge…
Den tidl. regionsrådsformand og formand for Danske Regioner har spillet en afgørende rolle for det danske sundhedsvæsen.
Og så er han cand.mag i…
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