Aarhus University Seal

Public sector consultancy and advisory services

The consultancy and advisory services the Faculty of Arts provides to public sector authorities are based on research. The faculty performs an extremely wide range of services and projects for the entire spectrum of public sector agencies, departments and ministries. Examples of the faculty's internationally relevant public sector contracts and projects are provided below.

Examples of public sector consultancy services and projects


- PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment)

- IEA studies (The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement), e.g:

  • ICCS - The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study – the political education of upper secondary school youth
  • TIMSS – The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study - skills in maths and science at primary school level
  • ICILS - An International Study of Computer and Information Literacy (website in Danish)
  • PIRLS - Progress in International Reading Literacy Study - reading skills at primary school level