Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Plougsgaard, Susanne Cleaning Assistant Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Aarhus teksp@au.dk 1467
Plummer, Christelle PhD Student Danish School of Education - Department of Educational Theory and Curric. Studies, General Education and Educational Philosophy c.plummer@edu.au.dk
Pold, Søren Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies pold@cavi.au.dk +4587161994 5347, 223
Pold, Valdemar Nielsen PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy vnp@cc.au.dk 1485, 435
Pors, Harald Professor Emeritus School of Communication and Culture - Department of German and Romance Languages harald.pors@cc.au.dk 1481, 668
Postlethwaite, Rosa PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology rosapos@cc.au.dk 1586, 313
Poulsen, Birgitte PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of English poulsen@cc.au.dk
Poulsen, Birte Associate professor Emerita School of Culture and Society - Classical Archaeology, subject klabp@cas.au.dk
Poulsen, Bjørn Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject hisbp@cas.au.dk +4587162184 1461, 424
Poulsen, Emil Klitgaard
Povlsen, Karen Klitgaard Professor Emerita School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies karenk@cc.au.dk +4530347826
Pracht, Erich Benjamin Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Biblical Studies, subject ebp@cas.au.dk +4587169131 1453, 426
Prats, Andreu Arinyo i Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies arinyo-i-prats@cas.au.dk 4215, 130
Primdahl, Nina Langer PhD Student Danish School of Education - Department of Educational Anthropology and Educational Psychology nipri@edu.au.dk D, 211
Primdahl, Nis Langer Postdoc Danish School of Education - Educational Psychology, Emdrup nilp@edu.au.dk D
Pristed, Birgitte Beck Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Russian and Balkan Studies, subject birgitte.pristed@cas.au.dk +4587162763 +4593522678 1467, 321
Provst, Anne Margrethe PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology anpr@cc.au.dk +4587150114 1586, 313
Puge, Katrine PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup puge@edu.au.dk B, 116
Purzycki, Benjamin Grant Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of the Study of Religion bgpurzycki@cas.au.dk +4587169154 1451, 525
Quick, Oliver Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject osquick@cas.au.dk 1467, 223
Qvistgaard, Jesper Head of Education Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Studies Administration jq@au.dk +4593522480 1442, 213
Qvortrup, Lars Professor Emeritus Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Emdrup lq@edu.au.dk +4527844005 D, 329
Raben, Annette Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Course and Exam Administration, Aarhus annette.raben@au.dk +4587162156 1443, 215
Raetzsch, Christoph Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies craetzsch@cc.au.dk +4593522210 5335, 234
Rainsford, Dominic Professor School of Communication and Culture - English dominic.rainsford@cc.au.dk +4561672766 +4561672766 1481, 427
Raja, Rubina Professor School of Culture and Society - Classical Archaeology, subject rubina.raja@cas.au.dk +4587162046 +4527188390 1461, 326
Ralund, Snorre Postdoc Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Aarhus snorreralund@edu.au.dk 1483, 621
Ramm, Betina Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Langelandsgade aestbr@cc.au.dk +4528992078 +4528992078 1580, 448
Ramsbøl, Anne Toft PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology atr@cas.au.dk
Ramsdahl, Emma Riis Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Course and Exam Administration, Aarhus emmaramsdahl@au.dk +4593522143 1442
Randrup, Karin Storm Member of Administrative Staff School of Communication and Culture - Det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog Vest ksr@cc.au.dk
Raskin, Richard Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies raskin@cc.au.dk +4527782877
Rasmussen, Amanda Møller PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology amamolras@cas.au.dk
Rasmussen, Anders Emil Honorary associate professor School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology anders@cas.au.dk +4523442733
Rasmussen, Anders Moe Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject filamr@cas.au.dk +4587162281 1467, 526
Rasmussen, Annette Sommer Cleaning Assistant Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Rengøring Aarhus rengasr@au.dk
Rasmussen, Astrid Mus Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Department of German and Romance Languages geramr@cc.au.dk
Rasmussen, Carsten Porskrog Honorary professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject +4521201820
Rasmussen, Eva Marie Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Board of Studies Support and Studies Quality Assurance, Aarhus emr@au.dk +4587152659 1443, 227
Rasmussen, Gitte Vandborg PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology gvr@cas.au.dk 4205, 229
Rasmussen, Ib Buildings Inspector Arts Administrative Centre - Janitorial Services ihr@au.dk +4528992058 +4528992058 1467, 125
Rasmussen, Jens Professor Emeritus Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Emdrup jera@edu.au.dk +4540414643 +4540414643 D, 329
Rasmussen, Jon Dag Postdoc Danish School of Education - Educational Anthropology, Emdrup jdr@edu.au.dk D, 270
Rasmussen, Kirsten Wølch Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Communication and Culture - French Business Communication kwr@cc.au.dk
Rasmussen, Krista Stinne Greve Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Center for Grundtvig Studies, Copenhagen ksgr@cas.au.dk
Rasmussen, Leonora Lottrup Postdoc School of Culture and Society - History, subject lelo@cas.au.dk +4587168941 1463, 621
Rasmussen, Lisa Rosén Associate Professor Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup lisa@edu.au.dk +4525671951 +4525671951 B, 103d
Rasmussen, Majken Kirkegård Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies mkirkegaard@cc.au.dk +4540623043 +4540623043 5347, 039
Rasmussen, Marianne Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Building 1481 rasmussen@cc.au.dk +4587152531 +4525463601 1481, 442
Rasmussen, Mette Sophia Bøcher Studies Coordinator Arts Administrative Centre - Course and Exam Administration, Aarhus msbr@au.dk +4587152801 1442, 216