Aarhus University Seal


This list contains all staff members employed at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Nørskov, Sladjana Project manager Danish School of Education - Secretariat, Aarhus norskov@edu.au.dk +4520841823 +4520841823 1483, 618
Nørskov, Vinnie Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Antikmuseet klavn@cas.au.dk +4560202708 1414, 115
Norup, Lis Teaching Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies norln@cc.au.dk +4587163152 1485, 421
Norup, Maiken PhD Student Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup mano@edu.au.dk +4587151146 1483
Nouwens, Midas Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies midasnouwens@cc.au.dk 5347, 140
Nouwens, Minke PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies m.q.nouwens@cc.au.dk 5347, 134
Ntanovasili, Christina PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Art History cn@cc.au.dk 1586, 119
Ntapanta, Samwel Moses Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology ntapanta@cas.au.dk
Nuriler, Hatice PhD Student Danish School of Education - General Education and Educational Philosophy, Aarhus haticenuriler@edu.au.dk 1483, 649
Nygaard, Bertel Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject bertel.nygaard@cas.au.dk +4587162225 1461, 524
Nygaard, Claus Part-time Lecturer Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Emdrup clny@edu.au.dk B, 108
Nygaard, Pernille Svare PhD Student Danish School of Education - Educational Sociology, Emdrup pesv@edu.au.dk +4587150789 D, 332
Nygaard, Simon Assistant Professor School of Culture and Society - Department of the Study of Religion sn@cas.au.dk +4587169159 +4561264715 1451, 528
Nyvad, Anne Mette Teaching Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies amn@cc.au.dk 1481, 334
O'Connor, Mórna External VIP School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies mornaoc@cc.au.dk
Øfsti, Marius Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies marius.ofsti@cc.au.dk 5335, 255
O'Leary, Alan Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies aoleary@cc.au.dk 5335, 241
Olesen, Anne Marie Department Consultant School of Culture and Society - Philosophy, subject filamo@cas.au.dk +4593522554 +4593522554 1467, 628
Olesen, Christoffer Lundbak PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Interacting Minds Centre clo@cas.au.dk +4587169026 +4587169026 1483, 330
Olesen, Finn Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies finno@cc.au.dk +4587161992 5347, 225
Olesen, Mattias Gori Postdoc School of Culture and Society - Arab and Islamic Studies, subject mgo@cas.au.dk 1451, 529
Olesen, Niels Wium Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject hisnwo@cas.au.dk +4587162192 +4526361655 1461, 518
Olesen, Thomas Professor Department of Political Science tho@ps.au.dk +4587165625 1332, 116
Olesen, Thorsten Borring Professor School of Culture and Society - History, subject histbo@cas.au.dk +4587162208 +4551211348 1461, 530
Olsen, Anne-Marie Eggert Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita Danish School of Education - General Education and Educational Philosophy, Emdrup ameo@edu.au.dk +4587163976 +4529864317 D, 144
Olsen, Astrid Postdoc Danish School of Education - Education Studies, Aarhus amo@edu.au.dk +4587151189 1483, 627
Olsen, Frederik Boris Hylstrup PhD Student Danish School of Education - Department of Education Studies frol@edu.au.dk +4587151186
Olsen, Julie Torp Administrator Danish School of Education - Secretariat, Emdrup juto@edu.au.dk B, 207
Olsen, Karsten Researcher School of Culture and Society - Interacting Minds Centre etnoko@cas.au.dk +4561668460 1483, 319
Olsen, Lise PhD Fellow Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup lo@edu.au.dk +4587151181 B, 322
Olsen, Nikolaj Teaching Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - Church History and Practical Theology, subject no@cas.au.dk +4587162547 1451, 425
Ørnsholt, Kristine Training Consultant School of Culture and Society - Culture and Society, School secretariat kristine.oe@cas.au.dk +4593521526 +4593521526 1467, 422
Ørntoft, Kristine Student Worker Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup koe@edu.au.dk
Ørskov, Maj Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture mbo@cc.au.dk +4587161314 1580, 128
Ørtoft Rasmussen, Sebastian PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature soer@cc.au.dk 1586, 220
Ostenfeld, Erik Nis Researcher School of Culture and Society - Classical Philology, subject oldeo@cas.au.dk +4521758700
Østerbye, Stig Buildings Staff Member Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Bygningsdrift Emdrup stoe@au.dk +4526306617 +4526306617 A, 001
Østergaard, Anne Process Consultant Arts Administrative Centre - Arts Estates Facilities aoe@au.dk +4520967953 1443, 437
Østergaard, Maria Kirstine Postdoc Danish School of Education - Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Emdrup mko@edu.au.dk +4587151162 B, 348
Østergaard, Trine Rye Student Assistant School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies troe@cc.au.dk
Ostrowski, Kasper AC Researcher School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies imvko@cc.au.dk +4587163215 +4560642402 5347, 235
Otto, Ton Professor Emeritus School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology ton.otto@cas.au.dk +4587162915 +4540384771 4215, 224
Ottosen, Line Keller Nørbøge Research Assistant School of Culture and Society - History, subject lkj@cas.au.dk +4587150047 1463, 628
Overballe, Anne Møldrup Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Management Secretariat overballe@cc.au.dk +4528318816 +4593522717 1580, 425
Overgaard, Ea Lindhardt PhD Fellow School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies elt@cc.au.dk 1485, 439
Overgaard, Sidsel Ninna Baker PhD Student School of Culture and Society - Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies s.overgaard@cas.au.dk
Öz, Gizem Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies gizemoz@cc.au.dk 5347, 038
Paarup, Bjarke Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology bjarke.paarup@cas.au.dk +4540133909 4215, 222
Pabst, Tina Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Katrinebjerg tinap@cc.au.dk +4593522472 5347, 141
Pacheco Cueva, Vladimir Douglas Associate Professor School of Culture and Society - International Studies, subject vpc@cas.au.dk +4587162217 1465, 420