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With Dr. Azadeh Sharifi
Conversation with Dr. Azadeh Sharifi
Til denne uges forskning til frokost vil Troels Solgaard Andersen fortælle om "Danske SOE-agenter - en gruppebiografi"
Medbring din frokost
Interacting Minds Centre Seminar: Talk by Jorge Ibáñez-Gijón, Associate Professor, Department of Basic Psychology, Autonomous University of Madrid
Ole Vinther, PhD-student, Oslo University: Gregory of Nazianzus and Libanius: Rhetoric, Competing Storyworlds and the Transformation of Worldview in Late Antiquity. Jointly with the Research unit for practical and empirical theology.
Welcome to this guest talk by artist, researcher Rosemary Lee who will address digital aesthetics and algorithmic images. The talk is organized by the Digital Aesthetics Research Centre (DARC) and the Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images (AIIM), and supported by the Cultures and Practices of Digital Technologies research program at AU.
Presented by Stine W Adrian, professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway
Speakers and detailed program to be announced
Til denne uges forskning til frokost skal vi høre Thorsten Borring Olesen fortælle om "Europaåret 1973 - mellem fortid og nutid"
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