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Konference på DPU i København.
My talk addresses deception in emerging technologies. Specifically, we will focus on dark patterns and deceptive designs in augmented and virtual reality applications. Further, we will learn why and how our brains can be tricked and discuss the potential harm that could arise when generative LLMs are used to personalize immersive experiences.
Veronika is a professor for media informatics, user experience and user interfaces at the University for Applied Sciences Ansbach. Her research focuses on…
Tiltrædelsesforelæsning ved professor i pædagogisk psykologi Ditte Winther-Lindqvist.
EUROPHRAS - The European Society of Phraseology is an international and interdisciplinary academic society of researchers working on formulaic language and multiword units. EUROPHRAS 2025 conference is the 13th regular conference (with general assembly) of the society.
Et hold af danske arkæologer har i to år arbejdet sammen med ægyptiske og amerikanske kollegaer om at lave en ny opmåling af områderne omkring Kheopspyramiden i Giza. Her vrimler undergrunden med spor, der fortæller om det enestående byggearbejde. Som deltagere i forskningsorganisationen Ancient Egypt Research Associates’ projekt The Giza Plateau Mapping Project har Søren Sindbæk og hans hold fra Aarhus Universitet og Museum Vest i Ribe bidraget med deres ekspertise i 3D-laserscanning for at…
Collaborative qualitative data session - Open Your Data @ the Interacting Minds Centre
Til denne uges forskning til frokost skal vi høre Niels Wium Olesen fortælle om "Socialdemokrater i eksil under besættelsen"
Medbring din frokost
Jacob Munk Rosenlund and Christina Petterson, The Male Gaze Goes Blind: Masculinity and Disability in John 9. Jointly with the Research unit for New Testament.
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