Aarhus Universitets segl

Academic Hour: “From Aspiration to Ensouling: From the Politics of Muslim Becoming to the Politics of the Changing Climate”

Naveeda Khan (Johns Hopkins University)

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Onsdag 9. april 2014,  kl. 14:15 - 16:00


Lab 3 (4205-212) Moesgaard

I will discuss how aspiration/becoming were very central to the way I envisaged re-opening the conversation on Pakistan but that they have darker sides when considered within the rubric of climate change in Bangladesh in which all the focus on mitigation and adaptation without thinking through the fall out of constant adaptiveness may be a destructive plasticity.  My presentation will draw on the term 'ensouling' as a way to mitigate the excesses of aspiration as a concept applied to the context of Bangladesh.

All are welcome

There will be drinks and the chance for a chat after the presentation

Contact: Nils Bubandt, Head of research programme Contemporary Ethnography