Aarhus Universitets segl

Bodily grounds of learning: Embodying professional practice

CHEF Talk (webinar). Speaker: Gloria Dall’Alba, Honorary Professor, The University of Queensland, Australia. Free and open to all.

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Tirsdag 22. september 2020,  kl. 10:00 - 11:00


A Zoom-link will be shared with the participants closer to the event.


In research on learning to enter the professions, the significance of the perceiving, feeling, motile body is largely overlooked, especially outside teaching and teacher education. In this presentation, I explore what is entailed in learning to embody skilful performance by aspiring professionals. The recently prominent, highly technologised field of biotechnology is the empirical context for this exploration. Inquiring into learning with and through the lived body, as students endeavour to enact the practice of biotechnology, highlights features of the bodily grounds of learning. Based on this inquiry, some theoretical and educational implications can be identified for understanding and promoting learning for the professions.

Please register for the webinar here  

The webinar is organised by the Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF) at Aarhus University.