Aarhus Universitets segl

Book Launch

Reception for Casper Andersen & Andrew Cohen, The Government and Administration of Africa VOL I-V

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 12. april 2013,  kl. 14:30 - 16:00


Building 1467, Room 616, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7, 8000 Aarhus C


Organised and sponsored by: The Research Programme Transnational Modernities

The Research Programme in Transnational Modernities hosts a book launch reception to mark the publication of the major work The Government and Administration of Africa VOL  1-5 (London: Pickering and Chatto 2013) edited by Casper Andersen (University of Aarhus) and Andrew Cohen (University of the Free State).   

During the reception Casper Andersen will briefly present the volumes and highlight some of the core findings of the research project.

Wine, soft drinks and crisps will be served. 

All welcome

Organised and sponsored by: The Research Programme Transnational Modernities

Casper Andersen & Andrew Cohen, The Government and Administration of Africa VOL  I-V (London: Pickering and Chatto 2013)

Through rare sources and comprehensive introductions this collection provides new and groundbreaking insights into the aims, functions and effects of British colonial administration in Africa. Topics examined include: land and urban administration, law and jurisprudence, taxation, administration of natural resources, non-state administration including chartered company administration and missionary influence, recruitment, training and shifting philosophies of administration.

Titles of volumes:
I: Recruitment and Training
II: Governance and Law
III: Taxation and Revenue
IV: Administration of Urban and Rural Lands
V: Health and Labour and other Issues of Administration