Aarhus Universitets segl

Circle U – An introduction to AU’s new initiative

What is it? And what opportunities does it offer for academics and students?

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Onsdag 16. juni 2021,  kl. 15:00 - 16:30


Online (Zoom)

Zoom link https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62945147017


The leaders of 7 European universities are setting up one of the EU’s new ‘European Universities’, called Circle U. Success of such grand schemes depends on academics and students finding spaces to develop their own ideas for the future of their research and teaching. CHEF is holding this information event whilst Circle U. is still at the setting-up stage to give academics insight into opportunities for influence and future activities.

Professor Berit Eika, Pro-Rector of Aarhus University, who leads the initiative for AU, will present Circle U’s main themes and ideas

Sue Wright, Co-Director of CHEF, who represents AU in setting up Circle U’s ‘Think and Do Tank’, one of six work packages, will set out some of its opportunities

This will be an opportunity to start building a network of people who would like to engage with the Think and Do Tank. For example:

  • How not only to develop research networks but also links for co-teaching with colleagues across these universities (a new way to internationalise Danish higher education?)
  • How to strengthen the translation of research on global crises about health, climate and democracy into higher education?
  • How to raise political awareness about multilingualism and provide opportunities for students to work in two other languages?  
  • How best to share and co-develop educational initiatives around ‘4 Ins’ (Internationalisation; interdisciplinarity; involvement and inclusivity of students; integration of external stakeholders)
  • How to transform curricula and teaching methods towards sustainable education?


Later this year there will also be a call for involvement in the rest of the key themes of the Circle U. project