Aarhus Universitets segl

Embodied anti-narrative research – new ways of studying harassment and discrimination in organizations

CANCELLED - THE SEMINAR IS POSTPONED DUE TO THE AU CORONA DIRECTIVE. With Bontu Lucie Guschke (PhD student at CBS). Spring Seminar Series on ‘Livability, Hate and Ethnographic Methodologies’.

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Torsdag 12. marts 2020,  kl. 12:00 - 13:30

Bontu Lucie Guschke (PhD student at CBS):
My research centers on harassment and discrimination in contemporary organizational work settings. Empirically, I work with data from Danish universities. My interest lies within the research field of feminist and anti-racist critical management studies, including perspectives from queer feminist theory, black feminist studies and critical race theory. More specifically, I am exploring the concepts of harassment and discrimination from an intersectional perspective, taking into account how they are understood, perceived and negotiated between people in contemporary organizational work settings.

Methodologically, I am trying to explore organizational tensions, inconsistencies and complexities while avoiding to fix normativities in the research process. In order to do so, I employ anti-narrative research, operationalized through embodied methodologies as well as practices of queer listening, both in my data collection and analysis. In the presentation I will discuss both, the possibilities and implications of using embodied anti-narrative methodologies in research on harassment and discrimination in organizations.

Everybody is welcome, no registration necessary.

Organized by the research project ‘Fighting for e/quality: comparative ethnographies of new student movements.