Aarhus Universitets segl

Ethics in Educational Research

MALLL Colloquia with Kitty Te Riele, Associate Professor, Victoria Institute of Education.

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Torsdag 25. april 2013,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


Room A130, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

The ethical conduct of educational research and practice requires deliberation on values and principles, exercise of judgment, and an appreciation of context. Ethical theories (such as utilitarianism, rights based ethics, deontology, virtue ethics and ethics of care) and formal guidelines (for research ethics and for professional conduct) can be used as resources to support this deliberation. In this lecture, Kitty Te Riele uses the metaphor of the 'toolkit' to outline these resources. Both ethical theories and guidelines represent the accumulated wisdom of many people and as such can provide support for making ethical decisions. The aim of the colloquium, therefore, is very practical: to support the further development of students' personal 'ethical toolkit', for their immediate work on their dissertation research as well as their ongoing professional work.

Asger Sørensen will serve as moderator.