Aarhus Universitets segl

Ezekiel Dixon-Román on The performativity of quantitative data of education policy

Hosted by the Policy Futures.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 10. november 2021,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00



Associate Professor Ezekiel Jr. Dixon-Roman will give a presentation on The performativity of quantitative data of education policy.   

The major role of quantitative data in contemporary education policy and governance is inevitable. Data serve as persuasive and legitimizing evidence for policy-makers, as accountability measures in the governance of countries, institutions, and at sub-institutional levels, as inputs for algorithmic governance practices in the allocation of resources and penalties, and as tools in the nudging of educational choices of students and their families. Meanwhile, the role of data is not only instrumental for policy-making and governance, but also constitutive for the development of educational narratives and subjectivity formation. Drawing on his cultural theoretical interventions on the racializing forces of/in quantification, Dixon-Roman will give a presentation on the performativity of data in education policy, including the performativity of educational research using qualitative and quantitative data respectively.”

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